Simply copy & paste the script below into your project for real-time email validation.

$('form').submit(function (event) {
    var email = $('#email').val();
        'https://email.perfectvalidation.com/api/validate/' + encodeURIComponent(email) + '/'
    ).done(function (info) {
        if (info && info.Summary) {
            // you may want to adjust thresholds according to your needs, default is 0.1
            if (info.Summary.validity > 0.1 && info.Summary.deliverability > 0.1) {
                // the email is valid
            } else {
                // the email is NOT valid
                 switch (info.Summary.errors[0].code) {
                     case 1: /* email address must contain @ */ break;
                     case 2: /* mailbox is not specified before @ */ break;
                     case 3: /* domain is not specified after @ */ break;
                     case 4: /* invalid domain name */ break;
                     case 5: /* invalid mailbox, see info.Summary.errors[0].message for more details */ break;
        } else {
            // something went wrong during the API request, consider valid
    }).fail(function () {
        // something went wrong during the API request, consider valid